Kitchen interiors


The kitchen is where we prepare meals, share food, and create memories with friends and family. But beyond just its functional role, the kitchen is also a space that reflects our personal style, taste, and values.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> Kitchen Galore takes readers on a journey through the evolution of kitchen design and its impact on our lives. From the early days of the hearth to the modern, open-concept kitchens of today, this book will explore the history, trends, and innovations that have shaped kitchen design.


Auteur: Gestalten

Editeur: Gestalten

Format: Relié

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution: 21 Septembre 2023

Nombre de pages: 256

Poids: 1000

Dimensions: 21,7 x 26,6 x 2,8

Prix publique: 39,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Arts majeurs > Architecture, urbanisme

Code Classification: 3667 > 3676 > 3677

EAN-13: 9783967041200

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