Prefab and modular
Step into the new era of architecture and design with Prefabricated Architecture, a well–curated collection of prefabricated and modular housing as well as cultural and office buildings. This book explores the unlimited possibilities of prefabricated and modular construction, looks at its various applications, and locks into how these technologies have been used throughout the history of design.<br /> Whether a design professional, a homeowner, or an architecture lover, Prefabricated Architecture inspires the reader to improve their practice through innovative solutions, and find a perfect house to be constructed in just a few days.
Auteur: Gestalten
Editeur: Gestalten
Format: Broché
Presentation: Relié
Date de parution: 07 Mai 2024
Nombre de pages: 256
Poids: 1000
Dimensions: 24 x 30 x 2,8
Prix publique: 50,00 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Arts majeurs > Architecture, urbanisme
Code Classification: 3667 > 3676 > 3677
EAN-13: 9783967041248
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