On the standard nomenclature of traditional chinese medicine


More than 1,000 basic Traditional Chinese Medicine nomenclature (technical terms) were selected for this book, and each of them was given a standard English translation. It is expected that this book will have a great influence on the work of internationalizing and standardizing TCM nomenclature, and promoting the application and influence of TCM nomenclature worldwide.


Auteur: Zhu fan Xie


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 10 20Mars

Nombre de pages: 359

Poids: 485

Dimensions: 15,1 x 23,2 x 2,5

Prix publique: 23,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Médecine, Pharmacie, Paramédical, Médecine vétérinaire > Médecine Vétérinaire

Code Classification: 3165 > 3175

EAN-13: 9787119033396

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