Ba Duan Jin


As a traditional Chinese health and fitness Qigong exercise routine, Ba Duan Jin, or Eight-section Exercises, dates back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279). With easy movements and impressive effects on the health, it is a gem in China's health and fitness culture. It has been proved that practice of Ba Duan Jin improves the respiratory system, limb strength, and flexibility of the joints, and fortifies the nerves, as well as enhances the general balance. It improves the cardiovascular function and helps to cure such illnesses as coronary artery scleroses and osteoporosis. It strengthens one's immune system to a degree, and delays the ageing process, so as to increase the life span. It also improves one's mental health. It has been proved that practice of Ba Duan Jin improves the respiratory system, limb strength, and flexibility of the joints, and fortifies the nerves, as well as enhances the general balance. It improves the cardiovascular function and helps to cure such illnesses as coronary artery scleroses and osteoporosis. It strengthens one's immune system to a degree, and delays the ageing process, so as to increase the life span. It also improves one's mental health.


Auteur: Collectif


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 06 20Juillet

Nombre de pages: 58

Dimensions: 15,5 x 22 x 0,4

Prix publique: 16,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Santé et Bien-être (santé physique et mentale, hygiène, sexualité, psychologie, pédagogie, enfants) > Développement personnel

Code Classification: 3802 > 3825 > 3831

EAN-13: 9787119047812

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