Hakka Culture / Ke Jia Wen Hua


Hakka culture (Chinese: 客家文化) refers to the culture created by Hakka people, a Han Chinese subgroup, across Asia and Americas. It encompasses the shared language, various art forms, food culture, folklore, and traditional customs. Hakka culture stemmed from the culture of Ancient Han Chinese, who migrated from China's central plain to what is modern day's Southern China during the 6th to 13th century, and intermixed with local non-Han Hmong–Mien speaking ethnic groups such as the Yao people, the She people, and the Miao people.[1] It has also been influenced by the cultures of surrounding Han Chinese groups, such as the Cantonese and the Hoklo. Having historically lived in the mountains of Southern China and being minority groups in many of the surrounding Chinese provinces, the Hakka have developed a culture characterized by reservedness, stability, and frugality.


Auteur: Wenrui Gong



Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 155

Poids: 334

Prix publique: 15,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Beaux livres illustrés (histoire, nature, mode, transports...) > Lieux, paysage, pays, voyages

Code Classification: 3667 > 3710 > 3718

EAN-13: 9787210137948

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