Analyses Of Hsk Official Examination Papers Hsk6 (Version En 2014)


The book offers a complete and thorough analysis of HSK Official Examination Papers (2014) and provides different solutions to the various forms of test questions. In particular, each writing exercises is accompanied by several versions of sample passages so as to help exam-takers better understand the question and pass the examination. Moreover, the book is aimed at enhancing the language skills of Chinese learners through its summary of some key vocabulary and grammar points. HSK tutors can also use this book for reference.


Auteur: Qu Yubin, Li Gairu


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 2014

Poids: 286

Prix publique: 19,00 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 6

Classification: Parascolaire > Ouvrage de référence > Mémentos, aide-mémoires et méthodes de langues étrangères

Code Classification: 3013 > 3032 > 3034

EAN-13: 9787513807272

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