Easy Recipes, Easy Chinese, Classic Simple Dishes (Chinois-Anglais)
Chinese food is popular the world over, but knowledge of Chinese cooking is generally limited to those who were raised on it in China. Would you like the ability to cook one of the world’s greatest cuisines at home for you and your family? This recipe book will introduce you to the many methods behind easy-to-cook but delicious Chinese cooking styles, such as steaming, boiling, stir-frying and cold-mixing. It will help you on your way to becoming an ace Chinese chef. In addition, this book provides commonly used Chinese terms and sentences related to Chinese cuisine so that you can show off your Chinese language skill at the dinner table!
Auteur: Collectif
Date de parution:
Nombre de pages: 112
Poids: 280
Prix publique: 14,00 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Parascolaire > Ouvrage de référence > Mémentos, aide-mémoires et méthodes de langues étrangères
Code Classification: 3013 > 3032 > 3034
EAN-13: 9787513813266
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