Culture Explanation of Chinese Zodiac - Ox (bilingue Anglais- Chinois)


The Zodiac animals enjoy a long history and an important place in the daily livres of Chinese people. As such, they are an essential element of Chinese culture. The series "Meet Your Chinese Zodiac Animal" is composed of 12 volumes, but each volume can stand alone. Each book provides readers with an introduction to the origin, cultural connotations and history of a zodiac animal as well as the sories and artistic works related to it. Readers can get acquainted with their own "animal" and gain an insight into the Chinese way of life.


Auteur: Lizhang Zhang


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 10 2Janvier8

Nombre de pages: 153

Poids: 178

Dimensions: 11 x 18,1 x 0,9

Prix publique: 12,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Parascolaire > Ouvrage de référence > Mémentos, aide-mémoires et méthodes de langues étrangères

Code Classification: 3013 > 3032 > 3034

EAN-13: 9787513816304

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