

This book investigates alternative ways of working between cultural, artistic, and intellectual spaces in an era when the reality of globalisation imposes on our world view. Essays by leading performance scholars in Australia, Japan and USA are inspired by the Journey to Con-Fusion project ; a collaboration between Tokyo's ‘Gekidan Kaitaisha' and Melbourne's ‘Not Yet It's Difficult' performance groups.


Auteur: Vanessa Elaine Domine

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 02 Septembre 2004

Nombre de pages: 168

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 0,9

Prix publique: 48,15 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale > Théâtre

Code Classification: 3435 > 3622

EAN-13: 9789052011752

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