The Eu Internal Market In Comparative Perspective, Economic, Political And Legal Analyses


The European Union's internal market is the "hard core" of integration and by far its most precious asset. However a number of deep-seated factors have impeded the development of a systematic and wide-ranging academic research programme dedicated to the internal market. The purpose of this book is to begin to address this predicament with a tri-disciplinary analysis of the internal market, as scant opportunities for mutual understanding and learning across disciplines (law, economics and politics) currently exist.


Auteur: Jacques Pelkmans

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 314

Dimensions: 15,0 x 22,0 x 1,7

Prix publique: 67,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences économiques

Code Classification: 3305

EAN-13: 9789052014241

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