Rays of the Searching Sun


Yang Mu, the recipient of the 2007 International Prize for Literature Written in Chinese, is a well-known bicultural poet. Born in Taiwan during the last phase of the Japanese occupation, his life and writing have been influenced by competing forces in the historical, political, intellectual, linguistic, and aesthetic realms. Yang Mu's humanist sensibility has offered critical insights into the dangers of binary opposition and ideological thinking.


Auteur: Lisa Lai-ming Wong

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 05 1999

Nombre de pages: 300

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 1,6

Prix publique: 49,35 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres > Lettres et Sciences du langage

Code Classification: 3080 > 3146

EAN-13: 9789052015453

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