The Eiffel Tower


Roland Barthes's famous essay on the cultural and symbolic dimensions of the Eiffel Tower, illustrated with stunning black-and-white photographs by André Martin.
« The Tower is present to the entire world. First of all as a universal symbol of Paris, it is everywhere on the globe where Paris is to be stated as an image; from the Midwest to Australia, there is no journey to France which isn’t made, somehow, in the Tower’s name, no schoolbook, poster, or film about France which fails to propose it as the major sign of a people and of a place: it belongs to the universal language of travel. »
Roland Barthes


Auteur: Roland Barthes, André Martin

Editeur: Points


Format: Poche

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 28 Juin 2024

Nombre de pages: 132

Dimensions: 17 x 18,7 x 1,4

Prix publique: 14,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Beaux livres illustrés (histoire, nature, mode, transports...)

Code Classification: 3667 > 3710

EAN-13: 9791041418831

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