The ancient wisdom


" For those intimidated by Madame Blavatsky's massive and complex tome, The Secret Doctrine, Annie Besant presents the basic tenets of Theosophical thought in a concise, easy-to-digest format. Although much easier to read, this book still offers the full spectrum and depth of Theosophical philosophy."
"The Ancient Wisdom" by Annie Besant - A Thorough Guide to Theosophical Teachings and Spiritual Enlightenment
Discover the path to spiritual enlightenment with "The Ancient Wisdom," an insightful work by Annie Besant, a prominent theosophist of the 19th century. This profound exploration into the teachings of Theosophy, rooted in ancient wisdom traditions, offers readers an in-depth understanding of the laws and principles of the Universe, human evolution, and spiritual development.
In this significant text, Besant meticulously elucidates the central tenets of Theosophy, including the spiritual hierarchy of beings, the complex structure of the human being, and the process of reincarnation. She delves into the intricate connection between humanity and the cosmos, presenting an interconnected universe where spiritual evolution is an inherent part of the cosmic order.
The book further delves into the mysteries of life and death, the spiritual realms, the cycles of reincarnation, and the ultimate purpose of human existence. Besant encourages readers to engage with these profound concepts and to foster a deeper understanding of their own spiritual journey.
"The Ancient Wisdom" serves as a comprehensive guide to those seeking spiritual growth, offering insight into the fundamental principles of Theosophy and providing practical guidance for spiritual development. Besant's work invites readers to venture into the realms of the metaphysical, to question, to learn, and ultimately to understand the spiritual truths of existence.
Keywords: The Ancient Wisdom, Annie Besant, Theosophy, spiritual development, human evolution, reincarnation, spiritual hierarchy, metaphysical truths, spiritual enlightenment, ancient wisdom traditions, cosmic order, spiritual journey.


Auteur: Annie Besant

Editeur: SHS Editions

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 16 Juin 2023

Nombre de pages: 188

Dimensions: 14,8 x 21 x 1

Prix publique: 14,95 €

Information complémentaires

Série: Philosophie

Classification: Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres > Philosophie > Philosophie moderne

Code Classification: 3080 > 3126 > 3129

EAN-13: 9791041816651

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