The Adventures of Pinocchio
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi is a beloved classic of children's literature that tells the enchanting tale of a wooden puppet who longs to become a real boy. This timeless story has captivated readers of all ages for generations.
The narrative follows the adventures of Pinocchio, a mischievous puppet carved by the woodcarver Geppetto. The puppet comes to life, but his path to becoming a real boy is not straightforward. Throughout his journey, Pinocchio encounters a colorful cast of characters, including the Blue Fairy, the talking cricket, and the cunning fox and cat. Each encounter presents Pinocchio with moral dilemmas and challenges, and he must learn to make wise choices to achieve his dream of becoming human.
Carlo Collodi's storytelling is characterized by its whimsy and imagination, as well as its exploration of themes such as honesty, responsibility, and the consequences of one's actions. The novel is both an entertaining adventure and a morality tale, teaching readers valuable life lessons through Pinocchio's trials and tribulations.
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" remains a beloved classic, celebrated for its enduring appeal and its ability to inspire readers to be truthful, kind, and courageous. It is a story that continues to capture the hearts of readers young and old.
Auteur: Carlo Collodi
Editeur: Culturea
Format: Broché
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 06 Septembre 2023
Nombre de pages: 112
Dimensions: 14,8 x 21 x 0,6
Prix publique: 14,00 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Littérature générale > Romans
Code Classification: 3435 > 3442
EAN-13: 9791041950300
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