Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car

Italian Highways and  Byways from a Motor Car - Milburg F Mansfield


"Embark on a thrilling adventure through the scenic landscapes of Italy with M. F. Mansfield in 'Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car.' Penned in the early 20th century, this travel narrative offers readers a firsthand account of Mansfield's exhilarating journey, exploring the charming villages, historic sites, and picturesque countryside of Italy from the vantage point of a motor car.
As Mansfield navigates the winding roads, encounters local cultures, and immerses in the beauty of Italy, 'Italian Highways and Byways' is more than a travelogue—it's a literary expedition that captures the excitement and freedom of early automobile travel.
Join Mansfield on this literary journey where each turn of the page unveils a new chapter of discovery, making 'Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car' an essential read for those captivated by tales of travel and the evolution of transportation."


Auteur: Milburg F Mansfield


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 28 Janvier 2024

Nombre de pages: 118

Poids: 220

Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 0,9

Prix publique: 15,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Albums et beaux livres et carnets de voyages (paysages, pays, villes, lieux, voyages)

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3820

EAN-13: 9791041983681

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