Spring Notes From Tennessee


"Spring Notes from Tennessee" is a collection of essays written by Bradford Torrey, an American naturalist and essayist. Torrey was active during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he wrote extensively about birdwatching, nature, and outdoor observations.
The essays in "Spring Notes from Tennessee" likely focus on Torrey's observations of the natural world during the spring season in Tennessee. Torrey had a keen interest in ornithology and was known for his descriptive and evocative writing style, which captured the beauty of the landscapes and the behaviors of birds.
For readers interested in nature writing, birdwatching, and observations of the changing seasons, "Spring Notes from Tennessee" offers a glimpse into the naturalist's perspective during the springtime in the specific region of Tennessee.


Auteur: Bradford Torrey


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 05 Février 2024

Nombre de pages: 106

Poids: 199

Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 0,8

Prix publique: 15,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Albums et beaux livres et carnets de voyages (paysages, pays, villes, lieux, voyages)

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3820

EAN-13: 9791041984688

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