Second Variety
"Second Variety" is a science fiction short story written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1953 and is part of Dick's collection of short stories. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth is devastated by war, and two factions are locked in a conflict. The narrative explores themes of identity, trust, and the consequences of advanced technology.
Philip K. Dick is known for his thought-provoking and often dystopian science fiction works. "Second Variety" is an example of his exploration of the impact of technology on society and the blurred lines between human and artificial intelligence.
If you are a fan of Philip K. Dick's writing or enjoy science fiction that delves into philosophical and existential themes, "Second Variety" could be a compelling read. You may find it in collections of Dick's short stories or anthologies of science fiction literature.
Auteur: Philip K. Dick
Format: Broché
Date de parution: 11 Février 2024
Nombre de pages: 48
Poids: 102
Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 0,4
Prix publique: 9,99 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Sciences pures > Histoire des sciences
Code Classification: 3051 > 4050
EAN-13: 9791041985425
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