Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs - Charles Darwin


"Coral Reefs" by Charles Darwin is a seminal work that unveils the mysteries of these vibrant underwater ecosystems. In this pioneering exploration, Darwin presents meticulous observations and profound insights into the formation and evolution of coral reefs. He investigates the intricate relationships between coral organisms, marine life, and the geological processes that shape these remarkable structures. Darwin's groundbreaking theories on the growth of coral reefs and the concept of subsidence have left an indelible mark on marine biology and geology. This book serves as a cornerstone in understanding the delicate balance and intricate beauty of coral ecosystems. With a compelling blend of scientific rigor and engaging prose, "Coral Reefs" remains a timeless resource for marine biologists, environmentalists, and anyone captivated by the wonders of the underwater world.


Auteur: Charles Darwin

Format: Broché

Date de parution: 15 Février 2024

Nombre de pages: 168

Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 1,2

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9791041985845

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