The Way of Initiation
"The Way of Initiation" by Rudolf Steiner is a profound and illuminating work that serves as a guide to spiritual development and self-transformation. Drawing upon his deep understanding of esoteric traditions and spiritual insights, Steiner offers readers a comprehensive overview of the path to higher consciousness and enlightenment.
At the heart of the book is the concept of initiation, the process through which individuals awaken to their true spiritual nature and embark on a journey of inner growth and self-discovery. Steiner explores the various stages of initiation, from the initial awakening of consciousness to the attainment of higher states of awareness and unity with the divine.
Through practical exercises, meditations, and insights drawn from a wide range of spiritual traditions, Steiner provides readers with the tools and techniques they need to navigate the challenges of the spiritual path and overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, moral integrity, and inner discipline in the pursuit of spiritual development, guiding readers on a transformative journey of inner and outer change.
Auteur: Rudolf Steiner
Format: Broché
Date de parution: 04 2Février4
Nombre de pages: 64
Poids: 117
Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 0,4
Prix publique: 12,00 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Littérature générale > Romans
Code Classification: 3435 > 3442
EAN-13: 9791041995622
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