The Countess Cathleen
"The Countess Cathleen" is a play by the renowned Irish poet and playwright, William Butler Yeats. It was first published in 1892 and premiered in Dublin in 1899. The play is set in Ireland during a time of famine, and it explores themes of sacrifice, morality, and the clash between the spiritual and material worlds. The story revolves around the character of the Countess Cathleen, who, moved by the suffering of her people during the famine, sells her soul to the devil in order to save them from starvation. However, as the consequences of her deal become apparent, she faces condemnation and rejection from her society. The play is notable for its rich symbolism, lyrical language, and exploration of Irish folklore and mythology. It reflects Yeats's fascination with the supernatural and his concerns about the social and political issues of his time.
Auteur: William Butler Yeats
Editeur: Culturea
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution:
Nombre de pages: 38
Dimensions: 17,0 x 22,0 x 0,3
Prix publique: 12,00 €
Information complémentaires
Série: American Poetry
Classification: Littérature générale > Romans
Code Classification: 3435 > 3442
EAN-13: 9791041997015
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