I Will Find You

I Will Find You - Harlan Coben


David and Cheryl Burroughs are living the dream - married, a beautiful house in the suburbs, a three year old son named Matthew - when tragedy strikes one night in the worst possible way.

David awakes to find himself covered in blood, but not his own - his son's. And while he knows he did not murder his son, the overwhelming evidence against him puts him behind bars indefinitely.

Five years into his imprisonment, Cheryl's sister arrives - and drops a bombshell.

She's come with a photograph that a friend took on vacation at a theme park. The boy in the background seems familiar - and even though David realizes it can't be, he knows it is.

It's Matthew, and he's still alive.


Auteur: Harlan Coben

Editeur: Penguin Random House

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 12 2Février3

Nombre de pages: 407

Dimensions: 12,9 x 12,9 x 2,8

Prix publique: 15,40 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9781529160550

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