Secret Vienna

Secret Vienna - Michaela Lindinger


An indispensable guide for those who thought of knowing Vienna or for those who wish to discover the other face of the city. A magnificent private palace that can be visited by reservation, a crocodile mummy in a private library, a chocolate house, an alchemical ceiling in Schönbrunn, one of the most beautiful pharmacies in the world, an exceptional Art Nouveau church , the tomb of a fish that would have converted to Judaism, a jazz museum in public toilets, a public dump that can be visited like a museum, the oldest organ in Vienna hidden behind a painting, an empress dressed as a nun, the mystery of the symbol 05, a masculine sex discreetly sculpted on the cathedral of Vienna, a surprising private museum of billiards, an incredible bouquet where each flower actually consists of several butterfly wings, a source of water that allows to see the lotto figures for a minute, an extraordinary underground annex of the Mauthausen camp where the world's first jet was built, a "love hotel' historic of great charm ...


Auteur: Michaela Lindinger

Editeur: Jonglez

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 525

Dimensions: 11,2 x 19,4 x 2,8

Prix publique: 19,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Guides de tourisme (destination) > Guide d'Europe

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3804 > 3805

EAN-13: 9782361956165

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