Design of cosmetic products - formulation
This book, which has become an essential reference for both student training and product innovation, details the major forms developed by the cosmetics industry, their design and the evaluation of their stability and sensory properties. Each chapter provides the reader with operational keys to learn and understand cosmetic formulation. This new edition has been enriched with different chapters compared to the previous editions and is therefore structured in 4 main parts to make it easier to read.
Auteur: Anne-Marie Pensé-Lhéritier
Editeur: Cosmetic Valley
Format: Grand Format
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 12 Octobre 2022
Nombre de pages: 450
Dimensions: 15,5 x 24 x 1,8
Prix publique: 62,00 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Techniques et Sciences appliquées
Code Classification: 3069
EAN-13: 9782490639410
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