The Chemistry Of Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal

The Chemistry Of Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal - Wiles Donald R.


In this book, Dr. Wiles carefully describes the nature of radioactivity and of nuclear power and discusses in detail the management of radioactive waste by the multi-barrier system, but also takes an unusual approach to assessing the risks. Using knowledge of the chemical properties of the various radionuclides in spent fuel, this book follows each of the important radionuclides as it travels through the many barriers placed in its path.


Auteur: Wiles Donald R.

Editeur: PIP

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 07 20Février

Nombre de pages: 182

Dimensions: 17,4 x 22,8 x 0,0

Prix publique: 39,37 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Techniques et Sciences appliquées

Code Classification: 3069

EAN-13: 9782553010255

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