Quick on the draw crimebusting with a mathematical twist

Quick on the draw crimebusting with a mathematical twist - Inconnu


A theft and a hold-up, an impostor trying to collect an inheritance, the disappearance of a lab mouse worth several hundred thousand dollars, and a number of other cases : these are the investigations led by Maurice Manori, a police inspector known for being quick on the draw. He owes his reputation to his highly effective (but very unconventional ) methods. His secret weapon ? Graph theory. In search of the truth, Inspector Manori draws graphs that will introduce you to the ins and outs of a mathematical discipline with countless handy applications. This novel provides the layperson with an excellent breakdown of a science that's not very well known, using it to model a wide range of everyday situations. Thanks to its fun approach, it's great for both Sudoku and logic puzzle lovers and for math and science students and teachers. Bad guys take note : Manori is watching, and he's quick on the draw !


Auteur: Inconnu

Editeur: PIP

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 11 Juillet 2012

Nombre de pages: 198

Dimensions: 15 x 23 x 0,0

Prix publique: 31,86 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9782553016264

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