Patterns in physics toward a unifying theory

Patterns in physics toward a unifying theory - Plamondon, Réjean


Why are there four basic forces of Nature and where do they come from ? Why does any massive body in the Universe experience an intrinsic rotation ? What is the link between the speed of light and the gravitational, Boltzmann and Planck constants ? What are the relationships between electron mass, the Avogadro number, vacuum permittivity, and the masses of the Sun and the Earth ? Are dark matter and dark energy necessary to explain the observable Universe ? Can the lepton family be reduced to two members ? These are just a few of the many questions that this scientific work addresses and to which it provides potential answers.


Auteur: Plamondon, Réjean

Editeur: PIP

Collection: NOVATHEME

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 17 Juillet 2012

Nombre de pages: 201

Dimensions: 15 x 23 x 0,0

Prix publique: 68,47 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences pures > Physique

Code Classification: 3051 > 3058

EAN-13: 9782553016332

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