Reproductive Technologies in Islamic Context

Reproductive Technologies in Islamic Context - Nouzha GUESSOUS, Henk TEN HAVE


This book will focus on the connection between bioethics and women’s rights. It will explore this connection in a comparative approach in regard to artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs) because of their impact on women in particular. The availability and application of ARTs produces a tension with traditional and religious views on sexuality, reproduction, parenthood, and family ties. These tensions have been studied in Western cultures but less so in the Islamic contexts. This book will focus particularly on the question how new practices of ARTs are influencing the rights of muslim women in countries where Islam is the dominant religion as well as in secular countries where it is one religion among others.


Auteur: Nouzha GUESSOUS, Henk TEN HAVE

Editeur: ESKA

Format: Broché

Date de parution: 11 Juillet 2024

Nombre de pages: 218

Prix publique: 43,00 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9782747233965

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