Borders, Mobilities and Migrations


This book explores changes in the social, economic and political processes underpinning the mechanisms for the management of human mobility and cohabitation in the Mediterranean region, while suggesting comparisons with the situation in the Americas. It considers the public policies that introduce such mechanisms at state, region or city level, and also explores the way that populations adapt to, breach or find ways of working around these systems.


Auteur: Lisa Anteby-Yemini

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 05 1992

Nombre de pages: 310

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 1,7

Prix publique: 52,84 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 19

Classification: Géographie

Code Classification: 3395

EAN-13: 9782875741233

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