Götterdämmerung WWV 86 D


This edition is based upon Wagner's autograph manuscript, which is the only reliable source to reproduce the composer's intentions. Besides this, the edition records changes made by Wagner during rehearsals in 1876 for the first complete performance at Bayreuth, written in on his instructions by Heinrich Porges, Hermann Levi, Felix Mottl and others. Anyone using this edition thus not only benefits from the best possible musical score, but also gains insight into the performance practice of that time.
soloists, choir and orchestra
WWV 86 D


Auteur: Hartmut Fladt


Collection: POCHE

Date de parution: 2003

Nombre de pages: 1017

Poids: 2309

Prix publique: 146,08 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 86

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Arts majeurs > Musique

Code Classification: 3667 > 3676 > 3687

EAN-13: 9783795763091

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