Venture Onward, The Design And Curiosities Of 1924us

Venture Onward, The Design And Curiosities Of 1924us - Gestalten


The beauty of nostalgia: 1924US aka Christian Watson revives modern brands with analog craftsmanship.<br /> Venture Onward takes us into the world of Watson’s creative studio, 1924US. Favoring historical devices and revisiting old styles, the graphic designer, photographer, and illustrator applies his vision to anything from brand and retail design to tattooing and typography. As Watson’s work evolved, it has come to epitomize this new-old aesthetic beyond the digital. The book is an inspiration to slow down and enjoy that which lasts a lifetime.


Auteur: Gestalten

Editeur: Gestalten

Format: Beau Livre

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 288

Poids: 1000

Dimensions: 23,5 x 29,5 x 3,0

Prix publique: 50,00 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 1924

Classification: Techniques et Sciences appliquées > Graphisme et image

Code Classification: 3069 > 3077

EAN-13: 9783967040654

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