Collective Traumas


Collective Traumas is about the traumatic European history of the 20th century – war, genocide, dictatorship, ethnic cleansing – and how individuals, communities and nations have dealt with their dark past through remembrance, historiography and legal settlements. Memories, and especially collective memories, serve as foundations for national identities and are politically charged. Regardless whether memory is used to support or to challenge established ideologies, it is inevitably subject to political tensions.


Auteur: Conny Mithander

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 12 Juin 2003

Nombre de pages: 268

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 1,5

Prix publique: 57,55 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 20

Classification: Histoire > Histoire de l'entre-deux guerres (1919-1939)

Code Classification: 3377 > 3391

EAN-13: 9789052010687

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