From «Détente» in Europe to European «Détente»


The Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is usually overlooked in the literature on the Cold War and presented as the seal of détente. The Final Act came to be considered as the mere official recognition of the European balance for the sake of a fictitious dialogue and vague statements on the freer circulation of ideas, people and information. The emerging human rights movements in Eastern Europe then came as the unintentional consequence of a complete diplomatic and political failure.


Auteur: Angela Romano

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 03 Décembre 2015

Nombre de pages: 248

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 1,4

Prix publique: 45,80 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Histoire > Histoire de l'entre-deux guerres (1919-1939)

Code Classification: 3377 > 3391

EAN-13: 9789052014715

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