Royal Palaces and Parks of France

Royal Palaces and Parks of France - Milburg F Mansfield


The modern traveller sees something beyond mere facts. Historical material as identified with
the life of some great architectural glory is something more than a mere repetition of
chronologies; the sidelights and the co-related incidents, though indeed many of them may be
but hearsay, are quite as interesting, quite as necessary, in fact, for the proper appreciation of
a famous palace or chateau as long columns of dates, or an evolved genealogical tree which
attempts to make plain that which could be better left unexplained. The glamour of history
would be considerably dimmed if everything was explained, and a very seamy block of
marble may be chiselled into a very acceptable statue if the workman but knows how to avoid
the doubtful parts.
An itinerary that follows not only the ridges, but occasionally plunges down into the hollows
and turns up or down such crossroads as may have chanced to look inviting, is perhaps more
interesting than one laid out on conventional lines. A shadowy something, which for a better
name may be called sentiment, if given full play encourages these side-steps, and since they
are generally found fruitful, and often not too fatiguing, the procedure should be given every


Auteur: Milburg F Mansfield


Format: Broché

Date de parution: 06 Février 2024

Nombre de pages: 130

Poids: 240

Dimensions: 17 x 22 x 0,9

Prix publique: 15,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Albums et beaux livres et carnets de voyages (paysages, pays, villes, lieux, voyages)

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3820

EAN-13: 9791041984800

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