My Art Book Of Love

My Art Book Of Love - Shana Gozansky


Art, like anything else, is only as meaningful and interesting as it is relatable. For toddlers and preschoolers, they must be able to connect their own experiences to those they see on the canvas in order to truly engage with the material. For most small children, love is part of their every day ... and now, part of their first art collection! 35 full-page artworks (from all periods) feature love in all its forms, accompanied by a brief and tender read-aloud text. The work's title and artist's name are included as secondary read-aloud text, for true integration of narrative and information. With a stunning package, this first title in the My Art Book series serves lovey and artsy families alike!


Auteur: Shana Gozansky

Editeur: Phaidon


Format: Relié

Presentation: Cartonné

Date de parution: 10 2Janvier8

Nombre de pages: 48

Dimensions: 15,6 x 20 x 3,1

Prix publique: 16,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse > Documentaire / Encyclopédie

Code Classification: 3722 > 3760

EAN-13: 9780714877181

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