My Art Book Of Sleep

My Art Book Of Sleep - Shana Gozansky


The second in an introductory series to fine art, curated for young children as never before: by theme
For children everywhere, sleep is part of their every day... and now, part of their first art collection! 35 full-page artworks from a variety of periods feature sleep in all its forms - from naptime to bedtime, dreaming to waking, sunsets to night skies - accompanied by a brief, tender, read-aloud text. Each work's title and artist's name are included as captions, for true integration of narrative and information. It's the perfect bedtime read for families - artsy or otherwise!


Auteur: Shana Gozansky

Editeur: Phaidon

Collection: GB EVEIL

Format: Relié

Presentation: Cartonné

Date de parution: 05 2Janvier9

Nombre de pages: 48

Dimensions: 15,6 x 20 x 3,1

Prix publique: 16,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse > Éveil, petite enfance (- de 3 ans)

Code Classification: 3722 > 3723

EAN-13: 9780714878652

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