This is still not a book

This is still not a book - Jean Jullien


Is this a suitcase? A bed? An elephant? Each spread in this engaging board book is actually something else entirely, sparking imaginations and encouraging the storytellers in readers of all ages. Turn the page and find a foldable shirt; then, turn to discover a flip phone that you can open, close, and "dial" to call your friends and family! The result prompts children to think creatively about - and play creatively with - other objects in their daily lives.


Auteur: Jean Jullien

Editeur: Phaidon

Collection: GB EVEIL

Format: Relié

Presentation: Cartonné

Date de parution: 04 2Février1

Nombre de pages: 30

Dimensions: 16,6 x 23 x 2,7

Prix publique: 14,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse > Éveil, petite enfance (- de 3 ans)

Code Classification: 3722 > 3723

EAN-13: 9781838662745

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