African Artists : From 1882 to Now
The most comprehensive survey of modern and contemporary artists born or based in Africa ever published. Conceived as part of Phaidon's best-selling 'The Art Book' series, at a time when the creativity of the continent is gaining greater visibility worldwide than ever before, this volume features more than 300 artists from 1882 to today. Each is represented by an iconic artwork and an insightful text that introduces the artist and explains the illustrated work in the context of their wider artistic practice.
Auteur: Phaidon
Editeur: Phaidon
Format: Relié
Presentation: Relié
Date de parution: 29 Novembre 2021
Nombre de pages: 352
Poids: 2000
Dimensions: 25,8 x 29,7 x 3,5
Prix publique: 59,95 €
Information complémentaires
EAN-13: 9781838662431
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